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Case Study: Strengthening Fiji’s health information systems and use of ICT

Fiji’s health information systems, both electronic and paper-based, provide much of the information required to guide both clinical and management decision-making. There is a well-embedded system for collecting core public health data. For clinical care, Fiji has a unique national health number linked to each electronic patient record, which is used across all major hospitals, some sub-divisional hospitals, and with the potential to extend to all hospitals and major health centres. Since the hospital patient management information system also records births and deaths linked to each unique national health number, the system provides the basis for a fully integrated womb-to-tomb, patient-focused medical record system, which can be used to support comprehensive continuity of care (Ministry of Health & Medical Services, 2013).


The patient information system application is web based, with the Consolidated Monthly Returns Information System including both the public health information system and hospital maternal and child health monthly returns. Further launches and enhancements involve telemedicine technology, the Fiji health research portal and the Fiji national data repository (Ministry of Health & Medical Services, 2015).

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